In many circumstances, professional representation by Los Angeles DUI attorneys can help to reduce or even eliminate some of the punishments that a court may be inclined to direct against you. In fact, a Los Angeles DUI lawyer may be able to protect you even if you registered above the legal blood alcohol limit during breathalizer test, since there can be a variety of circumstances that may affect the device’s reliability. Also, if any protocol or procedure was nor followed correctly when you were pulled over, that alone could help you.

Each DUI matter is case specific, and without professional legal counsel, your chances to successfully resolve your case aren’t as good. DUI defense attorneys Los Angeles will help you by, among other things, thoroughly evaluating the entire situation to seek out any circumstances that may be able to discredit the prosecution’s case.

If the case against you is very strong, you can still benefit from the help of a skillful DUI attorney. Even if you can’t get the charges dismissed, your DUI attorney Los Angeles can help you negotiate a plea deal that will allow you to move on with your life, usually with a minimal level of additional disruption. This will allow you to get back to work, back to your family, and back to your dreams instead of finding yourself bogged down by court hearings and other scenarios.

If you’ve been charged with a DUI, the Law Offices of Jonathan Franklin, can help ensure you are protected to the full extent that the law permits.